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Group photo (July 2016)



International PhD Programme at the University of Salzburg

          Imaging the Mind

Connectivity and Higher Cognitive Function

The programme covers the following interdisciplinary areas: biology, cognitive neurology, cognitive science, and psychology.. Faculty and research projects:

  • Florian Hutzler:
    1. Reverse inference in functional connectivity studies
    2. Connectivity during natural reading in ecologically valid settings (fixation-related BOLD)
  • Eva Jonas:
    1. Experiencing threat: Social-cognitive, neural, affective, and motivational perspectives
    2. Managing threat: Social-cognitive, neural, affective, and motivational perspectives
  • Wolfgang Klimesch:
    1. Temporal attention, alpha phase and slow oscillations
    2. Memory capacity and the inhibition of distracting information
  • Martin Kronbichler:
    1. Examining brain connectivity abnormalities in mental disorders
    2. Brain connectvity and individual differences in cognitive abilities
  • Josef Perner:
    1. Brain imaging counterfactual thinking and emotions
    2. Tracking brain processes underlying identity statements and theory of mind
  • Belinda Pletzer:
    1. Sex hormone influences on brain connectivity and higher cognitive functions
    2. Sex hormone influences on inter-hemispheric connectivity and global-local processing
  • Manuel Schabus:
    1. Consolidation of motor skills during sleep
    2. Sleep and residual cognitive processing in disorders of consciousness
  • Eugen Trinka:
    1. Emotion recognition and social cognition in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
    2. Memory in lesional drug resistant mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
  • Frank Wilhelm:
    1. Neural processes underlying intrusive memory formation in PTSD
    2. Dieting, thought control, and fronto-limbic connectivity: New hope for obesity?

The programme started 1st October 2011.

Speaker:  Manuel Schabus
Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience & Department of Psychology
University of Salzburg, Hellbrunnerstrasse 34, 5020 Austria

Deputy Speaker:  Josef Perner
Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience & Department of Psychology
University of Salzburg, Hellbrunnerstrasse 34, 5020 Austria

Administrative Coordinator:  Sabine Stummvoll
Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience & Department of Psychology
University of Salzburg, Hellbrunnerstrasse 34, 5020 Austria
Telephone: 0043 (0)662 8044 5100 (or 5136)


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